Download Angry Birds for BlackBerry is just starting and we can already see one of the trends everyone predicted forming before our eyes. App stores are popping up faster than I can say
Hipstamatic and they are coming from all directions.
Amazon opening its own app store to compete with the Android Market? Really? Apple launched its own
Mac app store yesterday with 1000 apps, which might not seem like a lot, but compare it to the 800 with which the iPhone launched, and you have yourself a little proportion.
BlackBerry, as we have seen in the past few years, is falling behind the curve. The BlackBerry App World has significantly less apps and the store is not even available in many countries. The BlackBerry devices themselves are pretty 2010 as well, with the possible exception of the Storm, which I will be reviewing later this week with the hopes that RIM actually threw in a little innovation finally. RIM also announced the highly anticipated Playbook, and based on initial videos, reviews, and hands ons (hands ons? Doesn’t sound right), the important thing many reviewers have said is “it does not feel like a BlackBerry”. That is the best compliment RIM could have hoped for.
Putting all that geek talk aside, everyone is already familiar with the wildly popular mobile game and phenomenon,
Angry Birds. You know, the app that registers more daily global hours of usage than prime time TV? Yea, that app. Well, when I came across this picture of how Angry Birds would look on a BlackBerry, I just had to share, it made me laugh.
So does RIM stand a chance with all the new devices announced during CES or is it a a dead platform? Let me know in the comments or you can tell me I’m nuts on